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Spring '24


fog on my windshield, remnants of last night as I drive across slushy roads, hurrying—all of us hurrying—to erase the days before or render them meaningless, rushing past boutiques with faded for sale signs, past the dollar store selling stale bread, past the fountain where we tossed gummies coins, wishing for success or love, trying to beat the next traffic light, trying to prove our bodies deserve space in this endless cycle of work & paying bills & trying to make things better but not knowing what better means, missing the sounds of spring trying to break through harsh winter

                       missing our reason for being







Erin Jamieson (she/her) holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University. Her writing has been published in over eighty literary magazines, including two Pushcart Prize nominations. Her poetry chapbook, Fairytales, was published by Bottlecap Press and her most recent chapbook, Remnants, came out in 2024.. Her debut novel, Sky of Ashes, Land of Dreams came out in November 2023.

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