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    Winter '24


    Why are you lying
    Under the big summer trees
         In your flock of blood creeping?

    I lie here, at rest,
    On the side of the path
          Where the sky is green threatening—

    But you sang no more
    As wing slapped wing
           In some far away marsh

    And a snake, I was sure—
    Fixed an eye on the cause
           Of the moss

    Buckled her green to the shade,
    Told me what was come,
           Though it caught between

    My brain and your blood
    Forking never again
           Through lindens pale.







    Jacob Strautmann's debut book of poems The Land of the Dead Is Open for Business is available from Four Way Books, and his second book New Vrindaban is forthcoming in Fall 2024. Strautmann’s poems have appeared in The Boston Globe, The Appalachian Journal, Southern Humanities Review, and Blackbird:   

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