Blog — Our blog features creative and academic writing including essays, memoirs, and book arcs. Free submission.
Seasonal editions — Our quarterly editions feature writers and artists in a designed online magazine. Free submission.
Prizes — Prizes feature honorariums, press, and publication. Fees to enter.
Notice: As of November 30th, 2024, Verdant is on a temporary hiatus and will resume submissions in the coming year.
Please ensure your submission follows the below guidelines for consideration. Before submitting, we encourage you to view past issues to get a feel for what we like. See more.
Do not submit misogynistic, erotic, excessively theological or aimless work. Expect an immediate rejection under these premises. Please refrain from including personal information in your submission document(s).
Poetry: Submit three to five unpublished poems with a maximum of 10 pages in a PDF or Word file. We want polished poems that are well-thought on the grounds of form, topic, tone, and theme. We want vibrant, unheard patterns. We value specificity. We enjoy poems that match the magazine's aesthetic. No clichés. Poems that are too busy, lack editing, or specificity will likely receive rejection.
Prose: Submit up to three unpublished pieces of prose with a maximum of 3,000 words each in a PDF or Word file. We want immediacy. Don't make us wait. Get to the point, have a plot to follow, and give us something new. Prose that lacks editing, has no plot, or is monotonous will likely receive rejection.
Creative Non-Fiction: Submit up to two pieces of CNF with a maximum of 3,000 words each in a PDF or Word file. Like Prose, give it to us from the get-go. No research papers.
Art: We accept visual art including paintings, drawings, digital artwork, mixed media, sculptures and ceramics. Submit up to five pieces of artwork as high resolution JPG images. Each piece may optionally be accompanied with an artist's statement of no more than 500 words. Artwork can be published elsewhere.
Please include content warnings (CW) when necessary.
Submit to verdantjournal1@gmail.com. Title the subject line [GENRE] - [Name]. For example, [POETRY] - [Jane Doe]. In the body of the email, please write a cover letter and a short third-person biography.
Simultaneous submission is accepted; please do let us know if your piece(s) are accepted elsewhere before publication. Please send the follow-up in the initial submission email.
Past contributors are asked to wait a duration of two issues before re-submitting.
Please ensure your submission follows the below guidelines for consideration. Before submitting, we encourage you to view past issues to get a feel for what we like. See more.
You may submit Essays, Memoirs, and Book Arcs. We're open to anything so long that it is not too explicit, extremist or derogatory. You may submit one piece per genre, and it must not be over 3,000 words. Images accepted; please ensure they are high resolution before publication.
Please include content warnings (CW) when necessary.
Submit to verdantjournal1@gmail.com. In the email subject line, title [GENRE] - [Name]. For example, [ESSAY] - [Jane Doe]. In the body of the email, please write a cover letter and a short third-person biography.
Simultaneous submission is accepted; please do let us know if your piece(s) are accepted elsewhere before publication. Please send the follow-up in the initial submission email.
Response time
We aim to reply to your submission within 1-3 weeks of receipt. Please query after two months.
Note: if you've received a response before our reading deadline, you are welcome to re-submit.
Publication rights
v reserves First North American Serial Rights to your work. After publication, all rights revert back to the author. If your work appears elsewhere later, please acknowledge v as the first place of publication.
Reading periods
Winter, December 1st - January 1st, 2025 (closed)
Spring, March 1st - April 30th, 2024
Summer, June 1st - July 31st, 2024 (July 1st, 2024)
Fall, October 1st - November 30th, 2024​ (closed)
Many thanks.